Friday, June 19, 2009

Special Screening Night

Special screening night, is the night to celebrate our completion of the short film of 'Chloe'. We will invite all the cast and crew members to OGDC theatre to enjoy this moment. Let's share the laughter and the effort that we have make together.

-Chris Chong
Opixel Video Production

Please check this event "Special Screening Night"

Hi all, just want to let you guys know I have invited all the casts and crews member and people who help the production of behind the scenes, to the Special Screening Night. Please do check if your name shown below, you are the first priority we would like to invite all of you. If you haven’t got an invitation yet, PLEASE DO ADD me from Facebook “here” or add as a fan of “Chloe” here. So I can send an invitation from facebook to all of you because there are only 75 seats is available

Emily On Yee Xin, Ponnie Tung Yun Mei, Chua Ea Hui, Calvin Tien Kai Ping, Samuel Ho Yaw Lin, Yong Jian Ye, Chang Sing Yee, Eric Chai, Chiam Chiu Yen, Kelly Ling Sheau Wen, Queenie Chong, Ong Kim Ming, Darren Yeo Lip Hoong, Edwin Koh, Azmi, Jayden Sia Ian Chuan, Albert Chin Kuan Jian, Marline Johai, Caroline Foo Yuan Teng, Ling Sheau Hui, Lorin Soon Wen Shin, Summer Tok Chen Vun, Ryan Lai Wui Siung, Amy Liew Sheau Hung, Nick Leong

If some of you want to bring their friends to the “Special Screening Night” please do inform me first, so I can arrange for it.

Looking for Sponsorship of Distribution
Anyone or any companies who are interested on Sponsoring of Distribution for the Short Film of “Chloe” are welcome. The location will be held at OGDC on 28th November 2009, at 7.00pm to 10.00pm. Please do not hesitate to contact me, just drop me a message to the cbox or post comment, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Something About The Owner
Recently I found out Facebook has a clearer video player, fast downloading time and more exposure than youtube. So the question is, should we broadcast at Facebook too?



Anonymous Nick said...

Sorry Chris, but I think afford should read effort ;)

June 20, 2009 at 9:31 AM  

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