Monday, November 24, 2008

"Chloe" Update Schedule

|Photo Taken by Jayden|

|Photo Taken by Jayden|

|Photo Taken by Jayden|

|Photo Taken by Yaya|

***Please check up your update schedule to this page, from time to time :)***

Thanks for everyone has working the best for the Short Film "Chloe".I think I have to admit that I am overheated and exhausted but I will go back to work tomorrow. I had started edit some of the scenes and sorry to tell you guys, some of the scenes we need to do it all over again and watching back the tape that we had recorded, all of you act pretty well, is just that i had left out some of the scenes due to the tight schedule. I will re-schedule for the un-complete scenes on 21st December 2007 for the retake shot and will update you guys again.

K guys, the schedule remain unchanged on 29th & 30th November 2008 at the moment but we will extend our shooting schedule for another week to do reshoot, to complete to those uncomplete scence and get it done for those left over scenes.


Elvin Friend 1 - Ong Kim Ming (4 scenes)
23rd November 2008 – 1.00pm to 2.30pm
30th November 2008 – 7.30am to 2.30pm

Props - School bags, CCMS uniform, pencil box, textbooks

Elvin Friend 2 - Darren Yeo Lip Hoong (4 scenes)
23rd November 2008 – 1.00pm to 2.30pm
30th November 2008 – 7.30am to 2.30pm

Props - School bags, CCMS uniform, pencil box, textbooks

Bad Student 1 - Edwin Koh (3 scenes)
30th November 2008 – 7.30am to 4.00pm

Props - School bags, CCMS uniform, pencil box, textbooks

Bad Student 2 - Alvin Jeremy Lee (3 scenes)
30th November 2008 – 7.30am to 4.00pm

Props - School bags, CCMS uniform, pencil box, textbooks

Azmi - Azmi (3 scenes)
23rd November 2008 – 9.00am to 11.00
30th November 2008 – 10.00am to 2.30pm
21st December 2008 – 10.00am to 2.30pm

Props - School bags, CCMS uniform, pencil box, textbooks

Lip Theng - Lip Theng (3 scenes)
23rd November 2008 – 8.45am to 1.00pm
30th December 2008 – 8.45am to 11.30am

Props - School bags, CCMS uniform, pencil box, textbooks

Melissa - Summer Tok Chen Vun (3 scenes)
30th December 2008 – 8.45am to 2.30pm

Props - School bags, CCMS uniform, pencil box, textbooks

Marline - Marline Johai (4 scenes)
23rd November 2008 – 8.45am to 2.45pm
30th December 2008 – 9.45am to 11.30am
21st December 2008 – 1.30pm to 4.30pm

Props - School bags, CCMS uniform, pencil box, textbooks

Hui Wen - Chiu Yen (1 scenes)
21st December 2008 – 7.30am to 9.00am

Teacher - Queenie Chong (1 scenes)
21st December 2008 – 1.00pm to 4.00pm


***Remember those who are under 18 year old, please ask your parents sign the "Letter of Parents or Guardians" & "Agreement on Broadcasting" and pass it to me. Thanks alot.***

Yaya blog about "Chloe" shooting day 1 click here

Jayden share his photo to his blog about "Chloe" shooting day 1 click here

KP blog something about the "Chloe" for his "Leisure" title post. Click here

Minna blog something about the "Chloe" for her "Job Workshop" title post. Click here


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