Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

My Crap Introduction
I always like to watch the premiere show of the movie and this time of course “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” on 16th July 2009 premiere in Brunei. I always do my research of the movie on the Internet before entering the cinema because I don’t want to be unknowledgeable of the story, so I won’t get lost at the middle of the movie. I did read about the review of “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince”, surprisingly according to the wikipedia, “Rotten Tomatoes” a film review website said it’s the best Harry Potter part series of all. David Yates is the director of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” and “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince”. Well I was not really impressing by the last series of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, to me it’s just another Harry Potter series but this Harry Potter series “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” had impressed me a lot. Yes, the wikipedia said it’s might be a best film of the year and I strongly agree with it. I hope “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” will do better in the box-office than the “Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen” and “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” it’s more worth to watching than “Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen”. As usual I wouldn’t write any about the storyline or plotline, if you wish to read the storyline please click here
Movie Review
“Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” is one of the movies, which strongly focusing in the storyline than any action sequel, if you guys think this movie will bring you more action to excitement, then you are wrong. The movie probably brings you into the magic world with the wizardary logic, to explain what had happen with the wizardary world. “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” give me a balance dark torn of the movie from the beginning till the end. Tom Felton has shown another side of him as Draco Malfoy, showing Draco Malfoy are more frustrated, sad, lonely and anger in this “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” and he has involve more scenes in this series compare to others. Well, I would like to say Tom Felton has a potential in acting he is quite emotional in this series of Harry Potter movie. Daniel Radcliff has improved in his acting in this series, Harry Potter shows his sad emotion and unbearable expression that he couldn’t do anything when something. In the previous part of Harry Potter, he shows a lot of anger in the movie, which is not that good, however I think Daniel Radcliff is more mature to express the feeling out of his character of Harry Potter. Emma Watson continues the role of Hermione Granger as a teenager life with a bit of jealousy of Ron Weasley and deeply developed friendship of Harry Potter. Bonnie Wright as Ginny Weasley, she has slowly become more important role into this series of “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince”. Frank Dillane as a young teenager of Tom Riddle, which is Lord Voldemort, he acted quite well too, like an adult.

Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy

Frank Dillane as a young teenager of Tom Riddle
Some people commented this series of “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” has become a love story. Well, I disagree with it. Let me clarify myself, I have never read any Harry Potter book before so I always have no idea what’s the story about for next Harry Potter movie. In a way, I have not much expectation of the movie, I just take whatever the movie has given. Yea, I agree there are a lot of romance scenes in this series but it was quite enjoy and the humour developed in the romance scenes as well. I think this is quite normal for the Director David Yates to balance the movie of the dark tones and the humour. There’s one thing for sure, “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” has a mature humour or laughable scenes than the “Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen”. “Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen” the humour scenes look stupid, kid joke and ridiculous, which I think Director Michael Bay did it quite bad in balance the dark tone of the story and the humour, however Director David Yates balance it quite well.

Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter

Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley

Bonnie Wright as Ginny Weasley
As what I think, if a movie wanted the storyline to make it in dark tone then the movie should do it more serious and reality just like the movie of “The Dark Knight”. “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” has achieved the dark tone of the storyline and the humour is not that overly laugh. The ending of the “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” has bring the audiences mood down and make the audiences keep waiting for the next part of the movie. Rotten Tomatoes is a critic movie website has 86% high score on the “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” movie on 21st July 2009.

The Director, David Yates
Out of the Movie Review
There’s some rumour about the Emma Watson, that she said she wasn’t really enjoy the filming of the Harry Potter series because she is getting bore of the role as Hermione Granger. Rumour said she actually wanted to reject the up coming of the last 2 installment of Harry Potter series however, the studio increase her salary $2 million pounds for the each film for the last 2 installment, which means she had signed the last two installment series for $4 million pounds. Wow, I wish to have that amount too. Anyway, I think Emma Watson did a great job in the Harry Potter series and I don’t want to see Hermione Granger replace by someone. Emma Watson said when people see her off the set, the first impression come naturally, Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movie, I think this is the reason why she doesn’t like her role in Harry Potter series.

Emma Watson as Hermione Granger
Talking about the box-office “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” has made it US$403,946,763 Worldwide which in 6 days. According to wikipedia, US$250 million had spent for the production of “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” and US$155 million had spent for the marketing of the movie. Overall they spent US$405 million for the movie and the studio earn back in 6 days time of the movie release and earn the profit in after the 6 day of the release. I hope “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” can make it billion dollars in worldwide and break the record of the Franchise of Harry Potter just like “The Dark Knight”.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Directed by David Yates
Produced by David Heyman & David Barron
Written & Screenplay by Steve Kloves
Novel by J. K. Rowling
Starring by
Daniel Radcliffe
Rupert Grint
Emma Watson
Michael Gambon
Jim Broadbent
Alan Rickman
Tom Felton
Helen McCrory
Music by - Nicholas Hooper
Themes - John Williams
Cinematography - Bruno Delbonnel
Editing by - Mark Day
Studio - Heyday Films
Distributed by - Warner Bros.
Release date(s) - 15 July 2009
Running time - 153 minutes
Country - United Kingdom & United States
Related Sources Link
Wikipedia Source
About Director David Yates
Box Office of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Images of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Rotten Tomatoes Review of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
About Emma Watson "We’re all so grown-up!"
One of the "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" review
Premiere of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
High quality Trailer
Labels: Movie