Random Post
My new script concept (might not be the final title)
Today, I met my friend after work and talked a lot of things about life, dreams, health, and lifestyle and so on. He told me a lot of things that how he went through all the stages of success and failure. I am glad that someone likes him who is not really close with me and share a lot of up and down with me. I started to like to talk to someone that I don’t really know more about them because everyone of them have their stories behind to share and you never know you can find something very interested to put on my new script. That’s how I get motivation to work to move on.
Yes, today topic is my new script again. Recently, I am still brain storming my new script, I find it hard to write and struggle a lot at the middle of the script. This time the script is different because this is far away that I had ever experience before and it is far away of my age can understand. Well, I am not saying the storyline is good, it is really different from my personality and background that I can really understand. Lately, I have been talked about my script with my friends and try to understand what their comment about my new script. I did a lot of observation of others people and do some mind game with them. For example, what if a person putted into this situation what would he or she could do. There’s always had an alternate answer for me, and that’s how I could analyze and have my own conclusion.
Well, nothing much here, I feel like writing a post to release my stress from work and my script because I am stuck with my script again and I don’t even started to write a single scene yet but I do some infographic, background, characterizing, structuring, scenes liking and plotting. I hope I can finish my story structure soon and I can start writing and finish by this year. About 4 months to complete the script, I hope I can do it.
Anyway, I should have more rest from now on because I can’t think of any better ideas to continue my script these few days. I need to rest now. See you when I see you again :)
Labels: Personal Post, personal thought